Thursday, January 16, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Scripture Reading:
John 2:1-11
Sermon: A little nudge
Rev. Kyle Hunter
Bulletin: Click HERE
This week we head to the gospel of John and hear about the first miracle, or the first sign of Jesus, that takes place at the wedding of Cana, This sign takes place as Jesus turns water into wine. However, there is an interaction that takes place just ahead of this between Jesus and Mary (although she is never named in John’s Gospel) that is worth our consideration on this winter week. What does this interaction have to teach us? What can we take away from it? See you in church as we explore these questions.
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and will have a red box beside it that states "Live Now".
This group normally meets every Monday at noon in the Bethany Room of the church. You can also join by Zoom.
Please contact the church office for the Zoom link information.
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Speedway Christian Church Mission Statement
Believing that Jesus is the Christ, Speedway Christian Church’s mission
is to celebrate that God has given us unique gifts to serve
our congregation, our community and the world.