Thursday, March 20, 2025
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 6:9-13
Sermon: Bread for Each Day
Rev. Kyle Hunter
Bulletin: Click HERE
As we enter week three of Lent, we continue our focus on our Bread of Life worship series. This week we will read and hear some very familiar words given to us in the Gospel of Matthew. We have come to understand these words as The Lord’s Prayer. We recite them every week in both Thursday and Sunday’s worship service following our elder’s prayer at the communion table. This week we focus on the line Give us this day our daily bread. Have you ever noticed that in most translations of our Bible there is a note at the end of this sentence? This is because one ancient manuscript offers that our bread for tomorrow could also be included. All of this is due to one ancient account that included the Hebrew word, mahar, which has been translated as tomorrow. Early church father and scholar Jerome had some reservations about this translation. Regardless of which translation is the most accurate. The truth behind the words is that God’s provisions are trustworthy both today and for tomorrow. See you in church as we consider together Bread for each day.
Access a live stream of the services on Sunday by clicking HERE.
The first video listed will be the live stream
and will have a red box beside it that states "Live Now".
This group normally meets every Monday at noon in the Bethany Room of the church. You can also join by Zoom.
Please contact the church office for the Zoom link information.
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Speedway Christian Church Mission Statement
Believing that Jesus is the Christ, Speedway Christian Church’s mission
is to celebrate that God has given us unique gifts to serve
our congregation, our community and the world.